Thursday, March 23, 2006

Go Go Georgiou III: The Challenge

According to an Age article, John Howard claims he will do nothing to undermine sitting liberal members facing preselection challenges.

Petro Georgiou, the current member for Kooyong, embarrassed Mr Howard last year when he introduced a member's bill to end Mandatory Detention. Mr Howard was forced to back down, something he is not used to doing.

He now faces a preselection challenge from Joshua Frydenberg, Mr Howard's former adviser.

Howard says of Frydenberg: "he is a very able person...and I certainly appreciate his abilities."

Howard also says: "I support all of my sitting members, and I would never do anything in a preselection campaign to undermine a sitting colleague."

In light of the first statement, do we believe this?
It all depends on how the term 'colleague' is defined.
Meanwhile, I never thought I'd side with Jeff Kennett!

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