Skip back to 1996, when the levels were about 96% and a drought started.
1996-97: water levels drop to 70%.The levels stablise, in between a bad season every three years or so:
99 - 01
02 - 05
Things really started looking serious in 2006, when levels dropped to 40%
And this year looks pretty grim as well (although we are getting rain, unlike 2006, when there was no rain whatsoever.)
More significant is the level in mid-winter (the low point) which has dropped from 80% in 1996 to 30% in 2008 (and looks like being 25% in 2009)
My prediction is that the reservoirs will be running dry in 8-10 years.
What to do?
- A new dam a) takes time and b) assumes that there will be rain to capture
- Piping water from the Goulburn is laughable (with Lake Eildon currently at 9%, what water would that be?)
- A salination plant is feasible, but is huge and expensive.
- Recycling the water is cheaper, but has unfortunate connotations and no politician seems game to touch it.
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