Emancipating the Spirit of Humanity
If you want some sobering viewing, take a look at this video clip. One of Ed Burtynsky's images is reproduced here.

It looks like a lava flow, doesn't it?
It isn't.
Seems hopeless, doesn't it?
It isn't.
Want to do something about it?
You can
I have a permanent link to the WorldChanging site to the right there (see it?). These guys act as a clearing house, trying to find all the little ideas that, when put together, would help us out of the ecological disasters that are awaiting us.
Other than a few posting comments, and an offer to volunteer which wasn't taken up, that's the extent of my involvement.
Still, they've been doing a great job, and hope to do even better. They've just started a drive to reach those ideas that aren't part of the english speaking world. Indeed, which aren't yet part of the web.
This will require a little more proactiveness on their part which, in turn, will require money. They are after $150,000US. Now, the target isn't as steep as it looks, since all contributions will be matched by two benefactors 2:1 (so the total currently unpledged is $50,000)
So, consider making a donation.
And be inspired. Be emacipated from the mindset that we will fail in this.
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