Heed The Cow!

As it appears likely that my current place of employment will be shifting to the Melbourne Docklands at year's end, I thought it appropriate to check the place out.
To the uninitiated the area in question lies just to the west of the Melbourne CBD. It used to be given over to docks, wharfs, railyards and other aspects of civilisation that aren't noted for their sightliness. In the last 5-10 years, however, some bright spark has decided it should go up market with inner city apartments, offices, cafes, giant ferris wheels...
Not a bad idea. Unfortunately, someone forgot to stop and wonder whether people really wanted to live and work in a windswept concrete amusement park.
I recall going for a job interview in Docklands last year. By the time I had walked 15-20 minutes to reach the place I had already decided I didn't want the job. Second impressions have not changed, and were clearly shared by the sculptor of the above welcoming piece.
A washed-up cow pretty much says it all!