Resume Feedback
This posting is simply a place to accept feedback on my resume.
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"To understand and protect our home planet..."
- omitted from NASA mission statement in Feb, 2006
This posting is simply a place to accept feedback on my resume.
Refer to the Torino scale that assesses the risk of asteroid collisions.
According to an Age article, John Howard claims he will do nothing to undermine sitting liberal members facing preselection challenges.
It all depends on how the term 'colleague' is defined.
Meanwhile, I never thought I'd side with Jeff Kennett!
I have just got myself a wiki.
Mr Bush is denying Iraq's former interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi comments that Iraq is in a state civil war.
"C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."
Those attending the Commonwealth Games, be welcome!
It probably won't thwart a terrorist attack, but it might provide the Police with a means of rapidly reconstructing events should one occur.Those attending the Commonwealth Games, be welcome...
Sorry to bring such thoughts to the fore. Normal service will now resume...
I had a couple of chuckles watching the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games last night.
I was listening to Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk (no relation AFAIK) on the ABC morning show last Monday (March 6). In between music selections and discussing his new book, the possibility of the threat of civil war was discussed. Fisk thought it unlikely, making two points:
So, why would India need fissile material for its nuclear industry when it has a substantial fraction of the world's Thorium deposits?
The Liftport Group has had another success: a sustained robot climb to a mile high. This has prompted me to lay out a possibly absurd idea that has been bubbling away for a while now. Like most ideas, it won't do much good in the back room. So, here it is, for all to pillage and chortle over...
*Update: Tom Nugent of Liftport has kindly replied to my query. He tells me he's heard it all before, but that the notion has merit. I'm not really surprised it's been thought of before (dare I say: 'it's not rocket science'?...oooh! that one's probably done the rounds as well;-). Still, it's nice to find I'm off with the same load of pixies as a few other people!